1. The largest number of production and sales sites of any domestic welded steel tube manufacturer, supporting our status as No.1 in the industry.
We continue our assiduous efforts to produce a wide range of products that meet customer demands flexibly and to enhance our proprietary processing technology.

The Maruichi Group boasts 16 production facilities in Japan, from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and 23 sales sites from Hokkaido to Okinawa. In this era of accelerating globalization, we have also established 16 overseas group companies across 7 countries, in pursuit of the dual goals of quality and timely delivery. By setting up production facilities close to our customers (production where demand exists), we are able to deliver products to our customers sooner. Meanwhile, in terms of quality, by responding to various customer needs such as strength, processability and weight reduction, we have established manufacturing and sales systems that are worthy of the title of “leading steel tube company.”
2. Flexible procurement and sales systems established through the autonomous and independent management that we have sustained since the time of our founding.
We have built strong and stable supply chains and networks.
By maintaining autonomous and independent management not belonging to other corporate groups, we have been able to establish flexible procurement and sales networks not bound by business affiliation. We deliver products to customers through diverse sales routes, primarily including Maruichi Kohan Ltd., which functions as the group’s trading company. We will continue to cultivate good relationships with our customers and trading partners, based on our strong and stable supply chain.
3. The many adversities that we have overcome throughout our long history,
and the sound management practices that we have learned from them.
The stability of our management is immutable, even in this era of dramatic change.
As a company, we achieved zero reliance on loans in 1974, and have maintained a sound and healthy financial condition ever since. We are also highly profitable, coming in near the top of rankings published every year by steel industry newspapers. Our equity ratio as of March 31, 2024 was 80.8% (consolidated), a very high level compared to other companies listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We use our ample funds at hand for proactive capital investment and other investments to enhance operational efficiency, to ensure sustained growth for the next generation. In this era of dramatic change, we will continue our sound and stable management.